Moving Tips that will make your Life Easier!

Moving can be one of the most stressful events in your lifetime. Moving isn’t necessarily complicated, but it’s oftentimes something we dread doing in a rushed time period, and it’s typically A LOT of tedious work. You don’t have to be a brilliant organizer to pack and move stress-free; you just have to apply some basic rules.
If you implement a little planning, you will alleviate many of the everyday stresses that accompany a big move. The most important rule is not to procrastinate. So many people wait until the last minute, and suddenly, the project seems too massive to accomplish in the time there is to do it. If you know you’re moving, start de-cluttering, organizing, and boxing things you don’t use regularly. Start months in advance.
When you’re ready to start, have a large garbage bag for trash, a box for items to be donated, and your boxes for packing. Moving day is a perfect opportunity to get rid of some things you don’t use or things you forgot you had.
Be sure to label your boxes. It will make the unboxing much easier if you have the name of the room and a description of what items are inside. Put heavier items at the bottom of boxes with lighter items on top. Maximize space by filling the boxes as much as possible and taping them extra well to avoid any accidents. Clothing, towels, and sheets are great for helping to pack breakables and dishes.
When packing your closet, gather a bundle of hanging clothes and use a garbage bag to keep them together and protected from dirt (the hangers can poke right through the opening). Ziploc bags are another great tool for keeping small items together and organized. Tape the baggie to any accompanying objects, so it doesn’t get lost. Pack your essentials, i.e., comfy clothes to unpack in, personal care products, work items in a special box or bag, so that you won’t have to hunt for things you need immediately.
The more times you move, the more creative techniques you will come up with to pack wisely. Most importantly, just stay focused and keep moving forward!